CLOWN AND VOICE - in Southern Italy
Tuesday 27 July to Monday 3 August 2009

7 day residential - taught in English (and translated in Italian). Arrival Monday evening 27 July. A day is set aside for sightseeing on Tuesday 28 July 09. Workshop begins on Wednesday 29 July 09.

Voice work is essential for bringing the emotional depth to our clown. It gives substance and weight to our presence and our imagination.

David Goldsworthy as a true master teacher in this field will unblock and release the potential of your voice and enable you to become more effective and present on stage. This workshop will be run in English (and translated in Italian) and is set in the beautiful Puglia region of southern Italy, not far from the sea and amongst centenarian olive trees.

Expect good food, singing and music, human warmth, laughter and late nights. The playfulness and authenticity of clowning offers a safe and fun way to meet and discover aspects of Italian life and culture which no travelling or tourism could offer.

The group is limited to 12

Facilitators: David Goldsworthy + Vivian Gladwell