ITALY - Intercultural clowning in Southern Italy
Monday 29 September 08 to Sunday 5 October 08

7 day residential - taught in English and Italian.
A day is set aside for sightseeing.

This course is highly recommended to beginners and non-beginners alike. Participants on this course say that this course is unlike any other clown course they have experienced – and many keep coming back year after year. Running into its fifth year, the workshop is set in the beautiful Puglia region of southern Italy, not far from the sea and amongst centenarian olive trees

It offers the opportunity for six non-Italian participants (previously from France, Germany, UK and the US) to join six Italian participants to explore and celebrate their cultural differences through clowning. Expect good food, singing and music, human warmth, laughter and late nights. The playfulness and authenticity of clowning offers a safe and fun way to meet with what is new and unfamiliar in our lives. Discover aspects of Italian life and culture which no travelling or tourism could offer.
The course limited to 12 people.