Clowning as a guide to authentic presence.
A weekend workshop in the Taconic/Berkshires.
March 1&2, 2014. Location TBA
Facilitated by Laura Geilen

Do you ever long to stop the outer activity of your life and habits to attend to those nagging pangs for a more authentic flow of being?
Honoring the mysteries of human longing, clowning invites us to playfully open a space for responding out of honest presence and a truer listening to what is happening both inside and around us. Learning to resist the habit of doing and to welcome honest being is an experience we want yet cleverly avoid due to how fearful and vulnerable we can become.
The clown touches us because we are invited to witness the true ridiculousness of our self inflicted woes and because of an ability to live on a whimsical edge between imagination and reality--a dynamic that brings a tender and poetic instability full of the paradoxes inherent in being human.
With the help and protection of the little red mask that can give us big permission we will explore together finding the enlivening charge in the courage to simply be.
Through clowning and connecting to our naturally playful and creative spirit, we can develop and sustain, in ourselves and in each other, the heart to be who we truly are, to trust life and ourselves.
No experience necessary. No need to be funny. Bring nothing but your self and your willingness to play and have your heart opened.

Info: 518-929-5392